The Questions of Jesus

questions-of-jesusChristians sometimes go to the bible for answers to questions. And sometimes they come from the bible with questions to answer. God’s first question was multi-layered in its significance: “Where are you?” (Genesis 3.9) The answer was no less so: “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself”. (3.10) God’s questions are probing; our reaction is often to hide, afraid because of our nakedness.

I suggest to the reader to imagine Jesus sitting close by asking these questions, not as an interrogator, but as an intimate and trusted friend, leading us to an understanding of our relationship with God, with others, with ourselves and with nature. The questions of Jesus invite us on a journey of discovery. Their purpose is to bring us to know, accept, and love ourselves as the first step in doing the same towards God and neighbour.

Published by The Columba Press, Dublin, 2003, pp.128.


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