by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Christianity, Prayer and Spirituality
On not judging others.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Christianity, Prayer and Spirituality
It is better to come to the truth than to have it thrust at you.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Christianity, Church and Faith, Prayer and Spirituality
Understanding the scriptures.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Christianity, Prayer and Spirituality
Communicate in context: the question to Jesus about paying taxes.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Christianity, Prayer and Spirituality
Today salvation has come.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Christianity, Commentary, Prayer and Spirituality
The twelve apostles. [Better than we think we are.]
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Prayer and Spirituality
The feast with the long spoons.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Christianity, Church and Faith, Prayer and Spirituality
Humanitarianism follows from the humanity of Jesus.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Prayer and Spirituality
Making a quiet time for God.