A Christmas Pledge: Can You Sign Up?

(The Nationalist, 6 December 2002)


I believe that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Therefore, I commit myself to celebrating it in a way that is true to his life and teaching.


I will examine my motives for celebrating Christmas.

I will share in the work of preparing for Christmas.

I will not spend money to impress others.

I will not engage excessively in eating, drinking or partying, and will include alternatives to alcohol when I entertain.

I will not buy items made by workers whose wages and working conditions are unjust.

I will avoid buying gifts made by processes that pollute the environment.

I will question the source of consumer goods before I buy.

I will celebrate Christmas by sharing more of myself and my time than of my money.

I will use some of my time to visit family and friends and someone who has been forgotten.

I will spend some time in prayer this Christmas.

Signed for Christmas 2012 by me: …………………………………