Why Has “Development” Failed?
Attitudes and structures are at the heart of them problem.
Attitudes and structures are at the heart of them problem.
David Livingstone spoke of ‘Christianity, commerce and civilization’, yet what do we mean by the term “Civilization”?
Good intentions are not enough.
As a foreigner living in Zambia it’s not too difficult to stand back and have a somewhat detached view of the country and the processes taking place in it. As an Irishman, it’s not too difficult to recognise some of them.
What can the mission churches teach Europe?
It is a strange fact of experience that the most radically opposed theories can sometimes, if exaggerated, lead to similar and even identical results. This is true in the case of two theories of property.
A dialogue? Or two monologues?
A returned missionary reflects.
The problem is whether or not democracy, in the full sense of the word, that is, a government by the people, is able to meet the challenges of man’s changing environment, or whether it must give way to a technocracy.
Fifty wars in twenty-five years! Where does the conscience of humanity fit into the picture?