The Best-Laid Plans
Boy in Mulauli with blood-poisoning.
Boy in Mulauli with blood-poisoning.
Nigeria and Egypt, no and yes to reconciliation.
One true, good or beautiful action makes a difference.
Hunger in Ethiopia.
In support of Trócaire.
At 2,740 km the Zambezi is one of the longest rivers in the world. It flows through six countries and has affected the lives of people in all of them. There are many legends and stories about it – not all of them true.
But some of the stories are true.
Inflation in Zambia costs lives.
An overview of Zambia in the period of Kenneth Kaunda’s leadership of the country as Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia from January 1964 to his being voted out of office as President of Zambia in 1991.
The origins of the Christian faith in Africa.
Madagascar is a remarkable place, a mixture of ethnic groups and cultures, sharing a common language and nationality.