by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Commentary, Ireland, Politics and Society
Relative poverty means that you are a second-class citizen.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Christianity, Church and Faith
. . . is more than going to Mass.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Commentary, Environment
Take trees, for example.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Commentary, Ireland, Politics and Society
What causes suicide?
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Church and Faith, Prayer and Spirituality
Priorities re First Communion.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Politics and Society
They can be good.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Commentary, Ireland, Politics and Society
Parents should support each other.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Prayer and Spirituality
It is; so don’t be harsh in judging.
by Owen O'Sullivan | Articles, Prayer and Spirituality
Prayer, penance and example.